Commenter Appreciation: Mark
Over the next few days or so, I plan on publishing little blog post cards dedicated to some of the wonderful folks I’ve met out here. I’m enjoying getting to know each of you and know that this site is a better place for your comments.
Mark has, for the past nine months or so, become obsessed with a cup that has been lodged in a drain on his way to work. We’ve all waited with breathe held as he has somehow spun the tale of an unmoving piece of trash named Blue Straw into a gripping tale through a series of Cupdates.
I have tears streaming down my face from suppressing my laughter here at work.
This was too much, MG, yet just enough.
I doubled over twice just trying to type this. If I may, here's the link to the page pulling all the Blue Straw posts together.
Thanks again for the laugh.
So was that Moonshot, or did your stalwart (and long-suffering) admin, Trixalot, take that photo? And how many eye-rolls did you get?
Too funny!
Mark - Glad you enjoyed it. And I, of course, jumped at the chance to crawl into another drainage tunnel.
And thanks for the Blue Straw Index page. I added it to the body of the post
Si - That would be Trixalot again. And there was very little eye rolling...he thought the whole thing was hilarious. He did, however, comment several times during the photo shoot that he felt a bit strange giving modeling instructions to a storm drain.
Anyway, I told Trixalot about my idea just before lunch a few days ago and he got very excited. Offered to run up to Jack in the Box right away and buy a soda. When he got back, we were dismayed to discover that JitB straws here in St Louis are apparently clear.
"Does that really matter?" asked Trixie reasonably.
"Well," I responded," He calls it 'Blue Straw.' I think it's a significant detail."
In the end, I went ahead and crawled down there with Blue Straw's albino cousin and then Photoshopped in the blue. I grabbed the actual blue from Mark's photos to be sure I got it right. But other than that one fake...the picture is untouched.
This is damn funny. :) I wish I had thought of it.
Now I want to see Mark crawl into the drain in question. He may be even trying to set that up...
"I grabbed the actual blue from Mark's photos to be sure I got it right."
This, combined with Mark's comment about his situation being taken to the state level are way too much for me to absorb this early in the morning. Sheer craziness!
Mokker, this was so far past ingenious, I don't even know what to call it, but you pulled it off, dude. I wish I could have seen Mark's face. That would be worth a million cups.
You're great. :-)
This is absolutely great. I haven't stopped laughing yet.
Now my big question; how do you find your way into all these storm drains?!
Thanks for pointing out this story, Moksha. I'd seen Mark's articulate comments often enough, but never made the leap to suscribe to his blog - mostly because I firmly believe I get enough RSS feeds as it is, but oh well...
Now I have a new story to follow. :)
These are first I was like..."whos blog am I on and how did Mark get down there?"...
It isnt good to be laughing this hard after three me.
Have a great weekend and I commend your dedication and creativity to do this!
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