Wordless Wednesday #9
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Click for a bigger drink
See other Wordless Wednesday participants at www.wordlesswednesday.com
Posted by
Moksha Gren
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
"Through the Drinking Glass"
Lesser-known work by Lewis Carroll.
Mus had to tell me what the top picute was...I'm a little slow. You even give it away...oh well. Motherhood is sucking the brains out of me :)
I really like the feet in the second image :)
I'm loving your weekly pics, Moksha. But instead of a caption this week, an admission: there's a small part of me where propriety still occasionally holds sway that, every week, is just very slightly put out that your Wordless Wednesday pic(s) is (are) posted on Tuesday nights.
I hope we can still be friends.
WOW, I love both of those--especially the first one, very unique.
Great pictures! Happy WW.
Smiles and Blessings,
Angel Mama ():)
Unique pics...I had to look at them at least twice...
Whoa! Crazy!
Love that first shot....seriously, I think we have those exact same glasses...we got them at Target (while I was getting my fix) before we came here to London...
And that second shot looks so comfy...cool room!
The first shot is stunning. Your room looks so comfy. Happy WW.
I still can't quite figure out the second shot's windows mix of exterior and reflections. Nice pics!
An Alcoholics worst nightmare.
The Story - I love my sun room. I also love a good glass of whiskey after Norah has gone to bed. Put the two together and it's a magical moment. My challenge was to capture this sense of relaxation and comfort. I'm relatively happy with how it turned out. However...actually getting that top shot was not nearly as relaxing as it looks in the end...it's scary dumping liquor directly at your camera lens ;)
Mark - It's a lesser known piece, but no less surreal...and just a bit more out of focus.
Stephanie - By itself, I figured it might be a bit confusing. I was hoping the bottom picture would clear it up. I'm glad Mus was there to explain my warped logic.
Si - In retrospect, I shoudl have known it would bother you. usually, I adjust the published posting date to make it look like I posted it Wednesday...but last night I was rushed and left myself open for your viscious attack. Alas.
Anna - Yeah, Target sounds about right, but I don't really recall. I just know they sparkle a bit and hold my drinks very well.
And thanks, I love that room as well.
Everyone else - Thanks for visiting my site. Happy Wordless Wednesday
Emilie - Oops...clicked publish too early. Most of the images in the windows are outside. The exeptions are the brightly lit doorway and the dimmly lit glass block. Behind me is a brick wall that used to be an exterior wall and beyond that the kitchen. They filled a window with glass block. The glass block looks odd becasue it's reflected twice since the glass is double-paned.
These are both really great. The first picture is especially amazing to me. Nice photography!
I would love to turn the deck into a sun room down at our summer house. Happy WW and thanks for coming by mine.
Very cool.
Happy WW.
I love the photos! They definitely portray the relaxation you explained!
What great shots! Very relaxing. Happy WW!
love the first shot :)
Great shots...is it Bushmills in the glass?
"Bummer, empty again"
Interesting shot. One of those things you see all the time but never think of taking a picture of it!
Take care, great shots.
I like the 'drinking' picture. Took me a moment to figure out what it was.
I didn't think it was a vicious attack!
I'm so misunderstood. Calgon take me away!
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