Sunday, April 20, 2008

Project Looking Through (Curtain Call)

As the name suggests, this will be my final entry in Mark's Project Looking Through. Probably time to sit down and write some actual content intead of relying on my daughter's cuteness to distract eveyone from the fact that I'm not really saying much.

Further, how do I top this shot? I just honestly don't think I have it in me.


Anna said...

You can't...this is great! Have a good week! My new Project is up!

Anna said...

Oh and there really is nothing like a good distraction! Kids always work!

Mark said...

Wonderful! Almost too much cuteness for my monitor to display.

Simon said...

Wow... you, uh... you really think highly of your progeny, don't you? I'll give you some benefit of the doubt, sure, but it's a good thing this is your last contribution, else I'd've had to say something drastic. (I don't know what, that being an empty threat and all...)

Moksha Gren said...

Anna - I'll see what I can do with Project Green. There's certainly plenty of it around right now.

Mark - I've tried to get this shot for some time. She's been poking her face through that little window on her teepee ever since we got it, but only recently has she started smiling when asked. I was just thrilled to have finally captured it.

Simon - Well, yes, yes I do. However, the statement above could easily be more of an indictment on my photographic abilities than on the cuteness of my daughter. Further, even if we interpret it to mean that I think Norah is the cutest subject available to my camera (which very well may be true, but to which I am not admitting,) this still leaves open the possibility that there are other, cuter subjects to be photographed in places too far away for this humble father to shoot (imagine that I mean Edmonton, if that makes you feel better.)

So, yes, this is the best Project Looking Through picture I feel capable of taking. Take that how you will.

PS – Norah is the cutest little kid in the world…EVER ;)

Amy said...

Nora obviously gets her looks from her mom...

Anna said...

Participate if you can! I look forward to seeing what is green in your neck of the woods!