Wordless Wednesday #18
Click image for a Big Mack
To view other Wordless Wednesday participants, visit www.wordlesswednesday.com
Click image for a Big Mack
To view other Wordless Wednesday participants, visit www.wordlesswednesday.com
Posted by
Moksha Gren
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
If that was in my review mirror I think I'd move outta the way...
BTW, are you saying you couldn't see the gorgeous picture I posted for my WW? Did you try hitting refresh? Still couldn't see it eh?
Tehe tehe :P
I wonder whose bone that belongs to? A dinosaur?
Whoa. That's a serious "don't mess with me" truck.
I thought I was getting my WW up early this time. Sheesh! I'm two behind you, and we all know you're slow.
Truly a wordless post although it is still Tuesday! This one speaks volumes all by itself.
I bet that truck driver is either a huge guy or a really little guy with a big sense of humor.
Hee hee hee. That's funny. I love the orange.
Great picture.
Happy WW!
From the perspective of the camera, the dog looks totally stunned, like now that he has the bone, he has absolutely no idea what the heck to do with it. Nice.
That is a cool picture. When i saw you had WW up, that was my vote for the picture! I deam him Mack. That name just came to me. Creative huh?
The Story - The Gren clan went down to the Festival of the Little Hills along the bank of the Missouri River on Sunday. We had planned to go to the zoo, but looming clouds made us opt for entertainment within retreating distance from home. To the far side of the crafts and carnival rides, was a large group of anitque engine enthusiasts. There were tractors and Model TTs, and old fire trucks and dump trucks and just plain engines puttering along. I wished for Mark's audio recorder becasue just walking down the isles was an interesting audio event, like something out of a pod race. Jet hung back with me and my camera while Moonshot and (um...Jet's...uh...girl he is dating...?) went ahead with Norah.
Anyway, this older model Mack was one of the newer pieces there, but one of the more photogenic.
Frigga - I'd agree...but in the circumstances we found it, it just seemed whimiscal. Both you and Mark commented on how tough it looks...but oddly that didn't occur to me when I snapped the shot.
Mark - Slow? I...but but...I. Slow?
But yeah, WW is really more of a Tuesday night thing. If I wait and creep into the post like Simon does, no one sees it. I used to alter my psoting date so it read Wednesday...btu I wasn't fooling anyone since the comments clearly started on Tuesday night ;)
Mike - The owner was a older gentleman who owns a body shop over in Illinios. He had several vehicles there and proudly displayed the fact that they had been restored at his body shop. Nice merging of hobby and profession.
Steph - The color was a nice touch. Added to what i thought was the whimsy of the bone.
Simon - Knew I could count on you to see the humor in this one.
Jet - There were a couple other good ones, but they didn't work well as a set with this one. I may post another one from this set next week, we'll see.
Wordless AND speechless
That is a hilarious shot Gren! I love the bone...and the color of hte truck is great!
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