Wordless Wednesday #17
Click any image to make these gardens grow.
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Click any image to make these gardens grow.
Visit http://www.wordlesswednesday.com/ to view other Wordless Wednesday participants.
Posted by
Moksha Gren
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
what an awesome backyard. Oh how I wish I had that when I was a kid.
wow, that is a wonderful garden!!
"Yes, Trudy, this is where we'll keep all the babies we've kidnapped."
Okay. Now you're just choosing pictures that will allow a pun in your instructions.
My next WW entry (barely missed seeing this before posting this week's) is going to be a small Pinocchio doll. My text below will read, "Click to make this boy lie."
OK, that top pic is my sister and me in about 40 years. I cant wait. Great shots.
Oh that's a really really neat little garden full of marvels! And the little cabin, too. Where is it? Is it commercially maintained, or a person's property?
You could get lost and not want to be found in the yard like that! Happy WW
The trail, predictably, led to the front of the innocent looking garden abode. The family matriarchs looked on from the security of their observation gazebo. The younger, more pliable, members of the family were invariably lured to the quaint little door behind the white bannister. Once there, however, few managed to escape. Lilith the juvenile vampire made her lair there. Few expected a predator of her ilk to be able to tolerate sunlight, and she especially enjoyed adorable blonde-headed girls who dressed in pink and white.
The beds were kept made, the pot bubbled continuously on the fire, and the matriarchs rocked back and forth, trading quips about dried corn husks and rh proteins. The fish swam in blissful ignorance, wondering when that damn duck was going to move.
The above pictures are from my parents' back yard where I got married this weekend. Moksha got ordained on the internets and performed the ceremony. He did an excellent job by the way. Although it was odd in a way to be at the bachelor party the night before with the minister.
Simon, what's funny about your comment is that there was a 2 year old at the rehearsal from Edmonton named Lilith. She goes by Lily though. I don't recall her preying on anyone per se, however, she did douse herself in water then rolled in the sand box. She looked kind of corn-dogish by the time she was finished.
The two women conversing seated in front of the view are my grandmothers. The two girls in the Seven Dwarves' house are my one of my cousin's kids.
Thanks Moksha! Wonderful pics of the place!
As Jesse..er...Taltap said, this is his folks' yard. They factor heavily into the post that I should have ready 'round lunch time that tells the general tale of my first stint as the Reverend Moksha Gren.
Anyway, I took very few pictures at the wedding since there were so many cameras flashing...I just figured I'd mooch from Taltap later. But I wanted shots of the yard if only for WW. I liked the way the series starts with two elderly ladies in the main house, progresses through the yard, and ends with two young girls in the play house. It's all very deep and symbolic...artistic, ya know? ;)
Mark - What's truly interesting about the little cottage house is that Taltap's folks have no grandchildren, nor have Taltap and Elsa expressed any plans to deliver grandchildren. And yet...about a year ago, up sprung a little play house that is described as "for the grandkids." How's that for high pressure sales, eh?
And were I choosing my pictures based on tag line options...I'd like to think I could do better than this week's. Last weeks was a gem..no doubt. But basicaly I just sit there at my desk until I come up with something I think will make my readers groan.
Anna - I too look forward to my old age. I'm hoping there are plenty of young kids in my neighborhood so I can shake my cane at them and cal them "young whippersnappers." Something about that strikes me as very appealing.
Emilie - I have to imagine they put perfessional amounts of time into it...but it's all done as a hobby.
Simon - Since I'm always there when the picture is taken...my view of the images are tainted by reality. It's refreshing to get your unsullied take. Becasue yes...there is something Palpatine-esque about those cute little ladies gazing out from their observation deck.
Taltap - Geeze, man. You didn't even give spoiler warnings before you spilled the beans on my whole next post. What's really depressing is that you said in three short paragraphs what I have written in multiple pages. Succienct, I am not ;)
Hey, I just gave everyone the Readers' Digest version! A little whetting of whistles. I'm certainly looking forward to reading about the details from another perspective.
As for the rest of the pics, I'll try to upload what I've got so far to my website in the next couple of days. Just a big tarball for interested parties to look through.
What a yard. Beautiful. Great place for a wedding.
The Giants watch safely inside the destruction that is about to occur in the gnome's world. The river that plaqued them for weeks proves to no problem: the gnomes build a bridge.
Inside the gnomes house, Anna holds her child tight, maybe for the last time.
Taltap - I'm glad I somehow managed to pick up on some sort of vibe that allowed to me predict the name of one of the attending girls who came from my fair northern city. That's kind of weird.
And a hearty congrats to you and Elsa!!
Moksha - since Taltap did a little bit of thunder stealing with his three paragraph succinctness, you could just say that, with you impending essay on the weekend, you put the 'suck' back in succinct.
That's what I would say. You know, if I were penning something so long.
My first was a drive-by comment.
The gardens are lovely, and of course I can't wait to hear your full story. Taltap's glimpse just whets the appetite. Neat to see that, by the way. Besides Jet, we don't often get a point of view other than your own out here.
Beautiful pictures! Then again, I wouldn't expect anything less from Iowa ;-)
Happy WW!
Great post and a great garden. Sure looks like a lot of work!
And that bottom picture I love all the little teddy bear beds.
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