Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Gren, an Evil Genius?

Simon has so labeled me...and who am I to disagree? To me, however, it just seemed painfully obvious what needed to be done.

A little while back, as you may recall from my initial telling, I conducted the wedding of my dear friends Taltap and Elsa. However, what I was careful not to mention in my original reporting was a particular coincidence that occurred there. During the rehersal, I was chatting with the various members of the wedding party, many of whom I had never met. That's Laegren on the far rightThe bridesmaid was a delightful, red-headed girl who mentioned that she lived in Edmonton, Alberta (that’s in Canada, eh?) Now, there are many possible responses to this bit of trivia, but I, being the sort of person who is constantly looking for a way to talk about the friends I’ve made out here in web-land, immediately told the bridesmaid (who I will henceforth refer to as Laegren for reasons I will explain later) all about Simon. Plus, I was well versed in odd little details about her city, having conversed with my ice-bound friend many times about his environment, and so was interested to get her take on the same city.

Over the course of the weekend, it occurred to me that I was sitting on a golden opportunity. I had just met a person who apparently lived only five minutes away from a friend of mine who lives over 1500 miles away from me. Plus, her kids go to some sort of play group even closer to Simon's house. The odds were staggering and made me want to break out into a few rounds of “It’s a small world.” But more than made me want to mess with Simon’s head.

I quickly scribbled a message on a piece of notebook paper and gave it to Laegren, asking her if she would be willing to post it to Simon’s door. She seemed excited by the prospect of a practical joke...then she saw the letter. She seemed a bit concerned since it was vaguely threatening and didn’t have my real name on it. I would have been worried as well…were I her. “Is this going to get me into trouble?” she asked. My wife quickly vouched for me, trying to explain that Simon would, indeed find this amusing. Laegren seemed convinced and all was settled.

Upon returning to St. Louis, I quickly wrote the tale of my weekend, carefully avoiding any reference to Edmonton so as not to give Simon any clues to work with when the note was posted. However, I had overlooked one detail. I had forgotten to tell the groom, Taltap, about the impending prank. This hadn’t seemed such a large oversight since he rarely posts here, but as soon as the story hit the web, Taltap swooped down and mentioned to Simon that one of the guests had been from his neck of the woods.


I ignored it. Refused to enter the conversation. Hoped it would die down.

Laegren, meanwhile, was waiting for me to send her Simon’s physical address and could not deliver the letter until I did. I figured this was my one chance to salvage the game since I had some control over the timing. I’d just wait. Give Simon some time to forget this seemingly minor detail.

A month went by. Some would politely call it delayed gratification. I would call it torture. Finally, about a week ago, I sent the address to Laegren (Long Arm of an Evil Gren) and waited.

For the completion of this story, visit Simon or his wife, Amy.


Mark said...

Nice segue into Simon's story.

This was a very cool prank, because it didn't humiliate or demean anybody. My favorite kind.

Gave Simon's wife the creeps for just a little while, according to her account, but fun all around for everyone.

Your wait paid off, my friend. Nicely did.

Simon said...

I have a smile on my face knowing that you created for me one of the single most baffling hours of my entire life, but at the cost of what must have been a sporadically tortuous month for you. It hardly seems like I need provide retribution, does it?

But I will.

Oh yes, Gren... I will...

Amy said...

If you were on facebook, I would not have to guess what you would look like if you were to show up at my door.
A funny conversation when we were trying to figure out what was going on was...
Simon: He wouldn't show up expecting to see me, he knows I would be at work at that time..
Amy: Maybe he was coming over to take advantage of your wife...
that is when it turned creepy for me, thinking how well do you really know this guy...

Cheeseburger Brown said...

Dear Moksha,

You rock. You're my pranking Internet hero until somebody better comes along, or until you top yourself.

Well done!

Cheeseburger Brown

Simon said...


Dude... your mom-in-law commented on my blog!

I am now officially "teh poopular!"

Thanks Panache.

Anonymous said...

Your mom-in-law is still waiting for new pics of her granddaughter. Right this minute, Simon really is "teh poopular" than you! (what exactly does that mean anyway?)


Simon said...

Dear Panache,

Your son-in-law emailed me and said it's better that we try to look (and sound) like slang-savvy hipsters rather than the failed geek punsters we could be likened to. So I won't elaborate... :)

But keep on his case. He certainly doesn't deserve any leniency, that's for sure!

Moksha Gren said...

Cut it out, Simon. You're ruining the illusion. ;)

Anonymous said...

Your sister-in-law is also still waiting for new pictures of your progeny. I will withhold Thanksgiving dinner unless my demands are met! Although perhaps this is not an effective threat, since you don't eat turkey anyway.

Taking pity on my poor mom, I will explain that spelling "the" as "teh" is just a new piece of internet slang. I think it probably originated from making fun of people posting on message boards who are either bad spellers or bad typists. Same thing when you see 111s instead of exclamations points (!!!). I think this is why, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Don't be feeling sorry for this old mom. She can figure out quite a bit for herself. I have been exposed to this new "texting" thing and am learning all the new abbrebiations, like mbf (my best friend) and sad (smart-alec daughter...mouse) and etc. I just can't figure out how to shut the blasted alarm on Saturday mornings!111

John Haney said...

Gren, where can I sign up to be part of the Laegren? I'm totally starting a Yahoo Group!!!

Anonymous said...

Just catching up. Can't wait to read the rest of the story on Simon's blog.

Moksha Gren said...

I just realized that I was mighty neglectful on the comments for this post. Sorry 'bout that. Saw a lot of good friends this round that rarely make their way across my site. And I promptly ignored them :(

So, I'm going to respond...even though no one is likely to read any of this in a two-week old post.

Amy - Lots of pictures of me over on Norah's page. Feel free to commit my face to memory so as to protect yourself from all the mock Mokshas

Cheeseburger - Thanks. I'm glad to have finally inspired someone who has been a rather constant source of inspiration in my slow reintorduction to fiction. I won't say we're even...but I'm glad to repay a bit of the debt.

Panache - I've always thought it cool when any of Norah's grandparents post out here. But posting on other people's sites?! Impressive...most impressive.

Mouse - Pictures will be coming soon. But I've opted to be rather selfish of late. I take the pictures and enjoy the pictures...and don't share the pictures. Sure it's mean...but it frees up so much time for other stuff for the low low price of occasional comment whining ;)

Mr. Funny - I like it. I hadn't really thought of it as a movement. I only wish I knew other folk in Chicago...I'd put you to good use.