Sorry You Missed It
So the flatbed truck came and hauled Moonshot’s car away yesterday.
What? Am I so far behind on my posting that I haven’t told you what happened to Moonshot’s car? Oops. I haven’t yet told you about the young idiot who, in the middle of last Tuesday night, took far too wide a turn and dragged his car across the driver’s side of Moonshot’s parked Ford Contour? In that case, my lack of recent blogs has probably kept you from hearing that the kid tried to drive off, but that the damage sustained to his Saturn was so great that it died only a half a block down the road and that he then got out and ran. You would have no way of knowing that my amazing neighbor Tom and his son literally ran from their house upon hearing the crunch and chased the driver, called the cops, and woke me from my slumber. And your not knowing that would be a real shame…because Tom deserves some major recognition for his heroic actions. But the even greater shame is that you’ve missed out on laughing with Moonshot and I at the 18-year-old imbecile who, upon smashing a car and abandoning his own vehicle in the middle of the street…ran the block and a half to his house, went inside and hid. Brilliant, eh? Even had Tom’s son not followed him, it would have taken the cops two seconds to find him since his plates were registered to that house. And they did find him. Hauled him off to jail in handcuffs for leaving the scene of an accident and for driving without proof of insurance.
It really is a shame you missed it, cuz you would have enjoyed the story. You’d have gotten a kick out of the cop who answered Tom’s question “Is he drunk?” with a straightforward, “No, I think he’s just stupid.” You also would have appreciated my frustration at the long-winded cop who stood on the porch of Casa de Gren for way too long, pontificating on whether or not the kid might actually have insurance as he claimed or maybe he and his mom were sharing one insurance card and swapping it back and forth (“See that all the time,” he said), and several other theories he had on the case but for which he had no real reason to even hazard a guess. Moonshot and I, in our sleeping attire, looking as haggard and as uninterested in his theories as parents of a newborn might look when their sleep is interrupted by such an event halfway through their child’s normal sleep cycle, could only wait for him to wear himself out so that we could sleep and deal with it in the morning.And I’m sure, as loyal readers of my life, you would have worried with us when we realized that with the Contour out of commission, we had no car that could hold Norah’s rear-facing car seat (curse that tiny Mini backseat.) But I can only imagine that you would have sighed with relief when Jet loaned us his Avalanche...I know we did. And I have every confidence that you would have been pleased as punch when we found that the reckless kid did, in fact, have insurance, and that the insurance company has been taking good care of us ever since and is sending us a check that we will put toward a Subaru Outback
But my biggest regret is that had I told you the story, my opening statement that they hauled away Moonshot’s car would not have seemed so strange to you. It really was unfair of me to subject you to such a startling claim…when you clearly had no frame of reference with which to understand it.
So, I can only apologize for not telling you that story…it was a good one…and I think you would have enjoyed it.
Norah Update
I also realized that my last update was the day before Norah’s check-up…horrible of me to keep you hanging. The short answer is that she’s wonderfully healthy. Her jaundice is gone, her heart murmur is gone, and she is gaining weight like crazy. How crazy? Well, last we had checked, about two-and-a-half weeks prior to this weighing, she weighed 8lbs 3oz. Last week, she weighed in at 11lbs 2oz. That’s roughly a 40% increase in size in less than three weeks. I can’t even imagine. She’s now in the 95th percentile for weight, length, and head size. So, she’s proportional…she’s just a big kid. She continues to spit up huge quantities of formula, but other than that one complaint…she really is a pretty easy child. She’s going about 3-4 hours between bottles during the day and 4-5 hours at night. That means we only have to wake up once to feed her since we can feed her right before bed and right after I wake up. And even better is that Moonshot takes that middle-of-the-night feeding since I wake up and take the morning one. I have no complaints.
All in all, things are good. We still have our days when she’s fussy. This tends to fray our nerves and causes us to wonder what we were thinking when we decided to have a child. But then she does something cute, we melt, and everything is fine again. We’re looking forward to our memories glossing over the hard parts. It is clear to me that this happens. People are shocked when I mention my occasional frustration. They say things like, “But babies are just so sweet…how could you get tired of them?” It is obvious that nature has devised a system by which we only remember the cute faces they make and just kind of skim over the midnight scream-fests. In this way, evolution has ensured that we will ignorantly march into parenthood again. So, for now, I just smile and nod when people say these things to me…and wait for the blissful forgetting.
Late Breaking Update!!
Several days ago, the Little Miss began smiling in her sleep. Very cute, good for a few “oooh”s but it lacked the ability to pump up our personal egos, so we have been waiting for her to smile AT us. Waiting for that magical moment when one of us would walk into the room and her face would light up because she recognized us and loved us. But she’s been rather stingy with her love. First she saved it only for her dreams. Recently she’s been sharing it with her Pooh mobile, but only if we keep a safe distance. But today the final insult occurred. She’s now decided that she loves Arlo. Yes, she grinned her fool head off at our lovable pooch…but still can’t bring herself to give us more than a lazy, one-sided smirk. Now, I’ll freely admit that Arlo is far more lovable that either Moonshot or me, but I’m just hopeful the Norah will eventually decided to shower her folks with some well deserved smiles…hopefully sometime before her teenage years when she reverts to hating us ;)
A literal hit and run: that's classic.
If you only have "days" during which Norah is fussy, consider yourself lucky. Some kids are fussy for months. She really looks like a sweetheart in these pictures, though.
Yes, yes, you did have to get out of bed at the un-Godly hour of 7 am to help us out. I hope you've fully recovered from the sleep-dep by now ;)
As for Norah, I remember her screaming and fussing at you last time you were over, so I'd have to wonder which of her little fingers she was holding up. It might not have been as cute as you think.
You are absolutely right, we do count ourselves as very lucky on that front. She is, mostly, a very easy baby to take care of. However, as a first-time parent, I have to say that I'm still astounded at how frustrating it can be. I have no idea how parents of colicy babies do it. I suppose you just do what you have to do, but wow.
You may already know this, but the pictures above were taken from Norah's bio page. I actually update her pictures much more often than I post blogs. So, there are several more over there.
I suggested to Moonshot that walking or dancing (your choice) around in circles while making music might get you'll a smile. It works for the mobile:)
I'm so sad my sister and I no longer have matching cars! (For those not in the know, Moonshot and I entirely coincidently both ended up with late '90's red Ford Countours for our first "real" cars.) However, you're getting a nice new car out of the deal, so on the whole it seems you've come out ahead. Just think, all the cup holders will actually hold a cup upright!
That Norah is one cute kid. I especially like her "Level I Human" onsie.
I suppose I could rig up a rope and pulley system by which Moonshot or I could dangle over Norah while spinning and singing little songs. But I think I'll just give it a few more days.
Yeah, the matching cars were cute, so you're more than welcome to run out and get a white Outback so you two will still match. So far, we're really liking it, I'm sure you would too (nice cup holders). The only "downside" to it is that it's a very grown-up car (white station wagon with tan/wood grain interior). I definitely feel like a parent when I drive it. I'm glad I still have the Mini and the Mang to feel a bit childish in.
I was able to talk Moonshot into completing the alphabet. The Outback shall be "Zazu" or maybe even "The Zazu". It's Hebrew for "Movement" it works. What did you end up with for your new car?
Dear Moksha,
I like stories that are told backward. Thus, I was entertained by not just the content but the form of this post.
Also: are you serious about the rear-facing carseat? Shit. On Thursday I'm going to get my Mini -- so don't tell my wife or you'll queer the deal!
Cheeseburger Brown
Thanks for the praise. I'd been reading A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh stories to Norah so my writing came out with a convoluted narrative voice. I enjoyed it, glad you did too.
If you need ammo against Littlestar, I will freely admit that I did not actually try to force the carseat. I did the ol' eyeball trick and it looked like it wouldn't work. And besides, even if it would have fit, fenagling the carseat into the Mini backseat didn't sound fun. And since the only downside to the solution I ended up with was jarring my brother out of didn't take too much for me to make that call.
You made TALTAP all giggly with the Norah Buddha. I think he was admiring your composition.
Thanks. It is my first attempt to do anything more ambitious on Photoshop than a simple cropping and re-sizing. It's a bit choppy in parts, but I learned a lot during the trial and error. And the end results makes me laugh, so that counts for a lot.
Oi Moksha,
Thanks for the supremely extensive and informative blog and congrats on the lovely child. Sorry about your car. Please send me an email, as you wisely have not published your'n. It be goldrunt(ato)gmail(doto)com.
Wahoo, my long-lost pal, Goldrunt!! It's great to hear from you. I was begining to fear that I'd have to wait for you to return from Japan before I was able to track you down.
"This touching reunion brought to you by the Internet. The's not just for porn anymore"
Just reminding you that despite the demands of parenthood, we'd all love to know what's happening in Norah-town... :-)
Not that I can talk, being a sporadic poster myself lately with no excuse but my own shameful blogapathy.
Enjoy the weekend!
As if I don't already worry enough about my I get complaints? But in fairness, you're right. I am way overdue for a post. I've been working hard to make sure the pictures over on Norah's page stay up to date since Grandparent complaints get top priority. But consequently, I have fallen behind on the words. I plan on getting something out this weekend.
Thanks for the interest. And actually, thanks for the will help.
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