Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Here’s to the Dreamers

I’m a fan of anyone who’s willing to push past their fear to pursue their dreams. In keeping with yesterday’s post, I know how easy it is to stay on the couch, how easy it is to keep putting off that first step. So, I wanted to take a moment to say how proud I am of my brother. Last night he took the stage for the first time in pursuit of his long-time dream of stand-up comedy. While I didn’t get to see the show, he was on cloud nine when he called me afterward to tell me that the crowd really responded well. I’ll catch his second show next Wednesday and was thrilled to see some cool pictures of the show. He actually looks like a stand-up comedian.

Way to go, Jet!!


Mark said...

Dresses like a pirate drag queen, runs more than one business. Wow. What will this guy do next?

You must get a recorder in there and catch his act.

Anonymous said...

That's exciting. Go Jet! Go Jet! Wait...Am I cheering for New York?!?

P.S. I waited so long to post on the procrastination thread that it doesn't seem relevant anymore, but trust me, it was good:)

Moksha Gren said...

Simon - oddly, he chose not to do the show in drag. Shame really, the high heels were made for the stage.

Mark - I plan on bringing my video camera next week. He taped his show, but he used his camera's tough to make sense of. I'll be sure to throw out a link to the higher res stuff.

Elsa - That seems like the perfect response to a post about procrastination. Well played.

Jet - now that they know you're supposed to be funny, they'll be expecting you to step up the witty banter. Make us laugh, funny guy!!

One Wink at a Time said...

So Jet's the brother. You must be really proud. What a rush that must have been for him!!! The world can never have enough comedians. Sending wishes for success and never-ending laughs.

Moksha Gren said...

Geez, just gave away all your material.

One Wink at a Time said...
