Monday, January 29, 2007

Literary Thimblerig

Oh, I have so many things to tell you. And yet, I won’t tell you any of them.

It’s been some time since I sat down and brought you up to speed on the goings-on at the Gredstead and it’s understandable that you would be wondering “whither went my gren?” And sadly, any assumption you would make concerning a correlation between a lack of posts and a lack of post-worthy events in and around my life would be erroneous. The days are just packed, my friends…the days are just packed. There are countless tales to tell, any one of which would, no doubt, amuse you enough to illicit a long string of comments. But, I’ve not taken the precious moments to inform you, my treasured webby-friends, since what rare minutes I have had to dedicate to word craft have recently been targeted upon the tale (previously mentioned) of a little girl and a certain mysterious creature. The words, they come slowly and are oft deleted. The process is taking longer than I had anticipated, so I’m leaching time from other tasks.

And so, you will not be informed of Jet’s triumph at the comedy competition. His advancement to the finals round in single-elimination, to-the-death, comedian vs. comedian battle will go unreported on this site.

You will also never know about the date night that Moonshot and I shared…our first since Norah joined us. And that’s sad, because MoMa and Aunt Gimpy’s kindly journey to St. Charles for the sole purpose of allowing Jolly Green’s tired parents an evening of out-on-the-town-ness would have made a compelling post. I’m sure you would have enjoyed knowing that we two love-birds enjoyed a wonderful dinner, a tasty pitcher of 1554, and compelling dinner conversation before huddling together through the cold to watch “Pan’s Labyrinth” at St. Louis’s lovely old Tivoli Theater.

It’s especially tragic, this misplaced literary attention, because today is Norah’s six-month birthday. It’s a big day in Little Lutine’s life. But, sadly her selfish father is too busy telling tall tales to even mention it in his blog. Although she appears to mumble only non-sense as she shows off her newfound rolling ability, you would not be blamed for assuming that her intent is a guilt-inducing rendition of “Cat’s in the Cradle” directed at her fiction-obsessed father. When her small fingers have grown enough dexterity to press the keyboard, no doubt she will craft a post of her own, detailing that horrific day, the 29th of January, on which her father could not be bothered to tear his awareness from an imaginary girl long enough to notice the very real little girl cooing desperately for his attention.

And you, being both kind-hearted and a victim of my lack of concern in your own right, will most assuredly take Norah’s side in this issue. You will say, rightly, that Jet’s on-stage accomplishment deserved more than a mere cast-away mention in a feeble blog-post in which I tried to hide my drought of detail and dearth of content behind an only mildly amusing gimmick. You, being the insightful reader that you are, will recognize immediately that I am trying to buy you off with a literary device in which I occupy your attention with a convoluted logic structure in hopes that you will not notice that I am, even now, moving swiftly toward the conclusion of this post so that I can return to my fiction.

“Don’t take your eyes off the shells,” I smile as I deftly hide the ball and pocket your hard-earned cash.

It’s almost criminal.


One Wink at a Time said...

You sucked me in MG. This minute I am going to stride purposefully toward my yet-to-be organized studio, dig through one of the many piles of art supplies, locate a stamp pad on which I will press a big fat letter S stamp and then, having succumbed to the title, "Sucker", will proceed to display that big fat S on my forehead for all to see.
Then I will telepathically hum Happy 6th Month Birthday to that beautiful little Sweet Pea.
Hope you had a lovely Date Nite
and please give a hearty "Sa-weet!" to your aero-brother.
All the best with your writing :-)
Take your time, we'll pretend not to wait to read what you pretend not to write.

Mark said...

I note a tone of guilt throughout the narrative.

Know that you are not alone. All parents of little ones who have a hobby have felt this way. It's a tricky thing to balance, but veteran parents and "experts" alike tell us that we have to make time for ourselves. Now, just a little guide on exactly how to do that, without generating conflict between the parents, would be nice. Or, I'd like one, anyway.

More specifically, I share your desire to create fiction, yet still be an attentive dad (at least, I think you want to). I'm pretty sure my wife has boycotted my current story in protest. That's why I've scaled my posting back a bit. It's easy to become consumed when creating a world with words.

Congrats to Jet and to Norah! They're both coming into their own right before our eyes. Also, date nights are wonderful. Now I have to find out what 1554 is.

Moksha Gren said...

Wink - Glad you got sucked in, but I really don't think the big S is required. As I mentioned...I'm sure you understood exactly what I was doing. As such, you weren't a sucker, but an informed participant. Ain't that better?

And thanks for pretending not to post a comment on what I pretend not to write.

Jet - You shouldn't be so mean to the regulars. I mean...I was even nice enough to leave out the part of the date-night story in which Norah screamed every time she looked at you. Keep mocking them and I might have to bring it up. And Simon's wit, once armed, is a wicked thing indeed.

Mark - The guilt is mostly hyped up for effect. I'm egotistical enough to think that I'm generally doing a pretty good job of focusing on my little girl. I do wish I had more time to work on writing, but I'm comfortable with my balance. I figure my stories, while fun, won't grow up to wonder why I didn't pay enough attention to them. And besides, my computer screen doesn't squeel in delight when I make funny faces at it...god knows I've tried.

1554: a personal favorite. Good in a bottle, but one of those beers that is 212% better when on tap. Sadly, it's hard to find on tap...and expensive when found. Huzzah! for the extranvagance of date night.

Moksha Gren said...

Si - Good God! Could the reference to a shell game itself be a shell game to hide a grinning Cheshire smile? Could this Impish Gren truly have sank to such madness? To which he can only reply, "Most everyone's mad here. You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself."

1554: Mmmm. Nuthin' better than chocolate and coffee up you nose. But I think you'd like it. There's no crisp...but other than that it should be right up your alley. I suppose you could dump some Rice Crispies into your glass.

Moksha Gren said...

I never said I was going to put crispies in my beer. I just figured you'd like to more closely approximate your cherished Coffee Crisp. You add chocolate chips to all manner of foods, man! How am I to know where you draw the line? For myself, I can't even stand it when my father-in-law puts tomato juice in his beer or folks who add salt. And I understand those to be rather common additives.

One Wink at a Time said...

You do realize that I was just over-sarcasticating, right? I didn't really stamp my forehead...

But I do love V8 in my beer now and then. And Blue Moon is good with orange slices...

Mark said...

Y'all kids is crazy up in here. All this back-and-forth is making my neck sore, and I just hope this isn't all that Simon has done besides play Diablo II.

Moksha Gren said...

Wink - Now fruit slices may be a different story with some beers. I will admit I had omitted this exception from my above rant.

Also...thank you for the wonderful new word "sarcasticating." It shall come in handy in my daily life.

Mark - It's like extreme tennis round here. Just bounce the word-ball around and occasionally dive-tackle someone. It's doesn't have to make sense.

By the way, be sure to offer up Linda's "sarcasticating" to your lovely wife as a collective payment for your time. I think we're a bit behind right now...what with Apartment Life and all.

Simon - Never apologize for thread-jacking this blog...jack away. I am one of the worst offenders of that crime so can't throw stones. Besides, that sort of logical leap is what makes it so fun. I can connect the shell game, Cheshire Cat, tomato beer, Diablo II, parental guilt, Buddhist philosophy, the writing of fiction, secret payments being made to Mark's wife, nasal chocolate, forehead sucker stamps, stand-up comedy, my daughter's half-year celebration and Simon's personal hygene all in one blog.

That's glorious, man...simply glorious.

Also, thanks for the shower update. I try to imagine that the person commenting is here with me, speaking their comment. Ever since Amy left town I've been having a bit of a problem reading your comments due to the imagined funk. It's good to know I can reset my imagination to the scent of fine Scotch Whisky with a hint of chocolate.

[Dive Tackles Mark and fades away until only his smile remains]

One Wink at a Time said...

I am respectfully submitting my request to be dive-tackled.

Anonymous said...

[Dive Tackles Wink]

One Wink at a Time said...

Thank you Sweet Pea. :-) I'll consider myself dive tackled in a different, but equally satisfying manner. Your Daddy is such an upstanding diplomat ;-)

Cheeseburger Brown said...

Dear Moksha,

We forgive you, and I reckon so does Nora.

Cheeseburger Brown

Anonymous said...

Oh the father's disgusting beer-tainting habits are exposed to the blogosphere. Ignominy! (I hope I spelled that right.) I hang my head at my family's dishonor.

Mark said...

Whoa, I got behind here. Thanks for the tackle. Ben and I tumble around on the floor a bit, but until Barrett (I mean, B) came to our house last week, I hadn't experienced it from the other side in quite some time.

Virtual noogie to Moksha.

One Wink at a Time said...

This has to be one of the best "after post" sagas we've had yet...

One Wink at a Time said...

Ah geez, did I put a jinx on this? Obviously, I did. It's ok to kick a dead horse, right? He wouldn't feel a thing.
"Did you do it? You're pretty quick!"
Yeah, that was lame...