75% - Yeah, I actually downloaded a picture of Sam a while back and was going to make a background for you in the dimisions you requested. However, the resolution on your posted pics wasn't high enough. Alas.
Si - This is the second time we've gotten into this discussion. Although I usually curse the thousands of miles that keep us from propping our feet up with a glass of scotch and watching Star Wars together, there are times I take great comfort in the distance...this morning for instance ;)
Wink - Gah, now look what Simon started. Happy birthday, Ma...everybody wants to eat your granddaughter!!
But thanks...we kinda think she's cute too.
Jet - I think you're right. Norah's a Midwestern girl, thus her toes should be prepared in a typical Midwestern fashion. No delicate flavors...just dunk 'em in cheese. I further suggest batter frying them to better capture the regional flair.
All - "You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me."
Moksha Gren is the ramble-prone maestro of this symphony of ill-formed sentences and self-absorbed ranting. Despite what you may read here…he’s really a nice guy.
Moksha, very cute picture! The photoshoping force is strong with this one...
I need to get a picture of Sam with her blanket over her head so I can create some Star Wars scene... I digress...
Happy birthday Grandma MoMa!!
Cheeks and toes! And that neck. She's got a smorgasbord going on... What a beautiful child. Thanks for sharing :-)
And a Happy Birthday to MoMa.
75% - Yeah, I actually downloaded a picture of Sam a while back and was going to make a background for you in the dimisions you requested. However, the resolution on your posted pics wasn't high enough. Alas.
Si - This is the second time we've gotten into this discussion. Although I usually curse the thousands of miles that keep us from propping our feet up with a glass of scotch and watching Star Wars together, there are times I take great comfort in the distance...this morning for instance ;)
Wink - Gah, now look what Simon started. Happy birthday, Ma...everybody wants to eat your granddaughter!!
But thanks...we kinda think she's cute too.
Jet - I think you're right. Norah's a Midwestern girl, thus her toes should be prepared in a typical Midwestern fashion. No delicate flavors...just dunk 'em in cheese. I further suggest batter frying them to better capture the regional flair.
All - "You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me."
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